
NieR Reincarnation story elements
Design & Features

Different Kind of Storytelling in Mobile Games – NieR Re[in]carnation Storytelling Deconstruction

Genesis Holy Water customer case
Case Study

How GameRefinery Helped Genesis Backed Holy Water Develop a Metagame to Grow Their Audience

Mobile GameDev Playbook podcast by GameRefinery

Episode 23: 2021 Retrospective with the GameRefinery Analysts

AFK Arena deconstruction
Design & Features

Mobile GameDev Playbook: Deconstructions – AFK Arena

Design & Features

Four Ways How Mobile Games Re-Engage Lapsed Players

Harry Potter Magic Awakened Deconstruction header image
Design & Features

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Deconstruction

Event Snapshot report

In-Game Events Snapshot Report: November 2021

Is Merge new Match3
Design & Features

Why Merge Could be the New Match3

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