September updates: Introducing genres to Market Explorer + New game feature

In our latest update to the service, we introduced genres and subgenres (found service-wide) to Market Explorer and added a new game feature: Paid progression plan.

Market Explorer


Genres have arrived to Market Explorer as the first step to the broader GameRefinery genre taxonomy that we’re rolling out.

The new category, genre and subgenre filters make it faster and easier than before to paint a picture of the mobile gaming market.

Research the market and compare subgenres with just a few clicks.


The Market Explorer Games List is now new and improved with a quick view of KPIs for games matching your segment(s).


We’ve added a new Features Overview tab to provide a quick overview of feature popularity.

The Feature List is new and improved with added filters for feature popularity and indicators for differentiating features found for your segment(s).

This is similar to what’s found in Feature Explorer but with added functionality and granularity thanks to the detailed market research possibilities provided by Market Explorer.

New Feature Paid Progression plan

Alongside the update to Market Explorer we’ve added yet another game feature to the service to cover Paid progression plan IAPs.


In games with Paid progression plans, players that purchase the plan get extra benefits (often premium currency) once they reach certain player level thresholds. Usually, these plans are marketed towards players by promising an X-times return for their real money purchase, if they are able to complete the plan in its entirety.


Contra: the Return’s progression plan is only available for VIP5-level players and higher. For an initial investment of 880 premium currency, you get an 8-fold reward equaling to 7050 premium currency if the player passes all the level thresholds in the plan.

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