Building better mobile games starts here
Access data on 100,000+ games to make development smarter, boost revenue and stay competitive with the markets #1 mobile game intelligence tools

Discover market opportunities
Research 50+ genres to know how genres are trending over time to see what’s hot and what’s not.
- Free access to Revenue & Download performance for 100,000+ games in 33 markets

Slice and dice the mobile games market by genres and features
Study the market in feature level detail. Go deeper than just performance metrics to see the genres and features driving revenue, from live events and premium currencies to 260+ more features.

Games & Features
Deconstruct your competition
Conduct a feature deep dive into your competition their feature sets, update roadmaps, implementations and more with our deconstructions.

Plan your development
Use our tools to roadmap and benchmark your feature development, so you focus on the right features that will help meet your goals and boost revenue.

Player demographics
Build the right game for your players
Find, know, and engage your audience with demographics data on genres, games, and features.

Player Motivations
Know what interests your players
Develop features and content you know your players will find engaging with player persona insights.
How game developers, publishers and marketers benefit
use our tools to..- Boost ROI by roadmapping their games and focusing on the right features.
- Save time and find inspiration for their designs by comparing existing implementations
- Stay competitive with up to date intelligence on market feature trends and their competitors
- Reduce costs of production and boost revenue by focusing on the right features
- Keep the game’s feature set competitive throughout the game’s lifecycle and improve KPIs
- Stay up to date on market feature trends and their competitors
- Pinpoint the right messaging for their audience
- Plan marketing activities based on competitor roadmaps and market data
- Find inspiration and guidance for the visual direction of their game.
Start making better games today
Empower game development, research, and ad targeting with the market’s largest dataset on
mobile game genres & features, player motivations, and more.
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