Episode 62: Profit From Play – The Top Monetization Trends in the Mobile Games Market

This episode of the Mobile Games Playbook explores current monetization trends in mobile gaming and touches on subjects such as hybrid monetization, header bidding, and the challenges of in-app purchases. 

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Join Andrew Seow (Director of Monetization at Tripledot Studios) and Ravid Sela (Ad Monetization Lead at Play Studios), along with host Jon Jordan as they discuss the ever-shifting nature of mobile monetization.

You can also watch the episode on YouTube:

Topics we will cover in this episode:

  1. Introduction
  2. Key monetization trends in 2024
  3. Understanding header bidding vs. waterfall model
  4. Pros and cons of header bidding
  5. Industry-wide adoption and its implications
  6. Revenue trends and challenges in 2024
  7. The rise of hybrid monetization models
  8. The relationship between ads and in-app purchases
  9. User spending habits in mobile games
  10. The future of direct-to-consumer monetization
  11. Looking ahead: Innovation in monetization
  12. The role of AI in monetization strategies
  13. Closing thoughts and takeaways

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