Episode 59: Going Global – How Chinese Gaming Apps can succeed on the global stage

Dominating the App Store charts, Chinese mobile games are captivating players worldwide. But what’s their secret? This episode of the Mobile Games Playbook dives deep with Liftoff’s experts, Kalle Heikkinen, Chief Game Analyst, and Inka Reinola, Game Analyst, to unpack the winning formula behind China’s mobile gaming giants. We’ll explore how China’s mobile market became a global force and discuss the effective monetization strategies and gameplay mechanics fuelling the success of Chinese games.

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Join us as we unpack the secrets of Chinese mobile game success and how developers worldwide can learn from their winning formula.

For more on what’s driving the success of Chinese apps, check out Liftoff’s Guide to Growing Chinese Gaming Apps Overseas.

You can also watch the episode on YouTube:

Topics we will cover in this episode:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Chinese games market
  3. Global expansion of Chinese mobile games
  4. Key success factors: talent, monetization, and LiveOps
  5. The role of state support in Chinese game development
  6. LiveOps at scale: A competitive edge
  7. Chinese developers entering casual game genres
  8. Cultural influences and global appeal of Chinese games
  9. Monetization strategies and player experience
  10. Recommendations and final thoughts

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